1. SSH to the instance

The AWS console always ask us to login to the instance by using a key pair file (*.pem file, Privacy Enchanced Mail). Make sure you have downloaded the key file on the last step of launching an instance.
Key Pair File

1.1 SSH on Mac

Open a terminal, and execute:

ssh -i /path/of/you/key/file/key_file_name.pem username@dns-of-the-instance

In this case,
if we have a key file named: 15619.pem, and we put it under: /Users/15619/Demo/; and we have an instance on ec2-1-5-6-19.compute-1.amazonaws.com within username: ec2-user,
then, we will run the command like this:

ssh -i /Users/15619/Demo/15619.pem ec2-user@ec2-1-5-6-19.compute-1.amazonaws.com

Sometimes it will return a warning message that:

bad permissions: ignore key: /Users/15619/Demo/15619.pem
Permission denied (publickey).

In this case, you need to check and change the access permissions to the key pair file:

chmod 600 /Users/15619/Demo/15619.pem

Now re-run the ssh command and you can login to the instance successfully.

1.2 SSH on Windows

On Windows I use PuTTY to ssh to the remote instance. Once you install it on you PC you need to generate a ppk file (PuTTY Private Key) using PuTTYgen and the pem file.
First, lauch PuTTYgen:
Then, load the pem file to PuTTYgen:
Click the button Save private key, then save it to you PC:
Now you are ready to ssh to the instance.
Launch PuTTY, fill the Host Name using the username and instance dns:


On the left side-panel, choose: Connection->SSH->Auth, click Browse… and select your ppk file,
Select PPK File
Then click Open and you can login to the instance successfully.
Login Successfully

2. Secure copy

Similarly, we use key file (pem/ppk file) as the identifying flag when we want to transfer file between the remote AWS instance and the local machine, especially, if we want to transfer a folder we need to add a recusive flag -r.

2.1 scp on Mac

If you are under Mac environment, the command is:

scp -i /path/of/you/key/file/key_file_name.pem path/of/the/source/directory/file_name path/of/the/destination/directory/file_name

Now you want to copy a file named Hello.java under /Users/15619/Demo/ from your local device to the remote instance under /Java/Demo/, the command is:

scp -i /Users/15619/Demo/15619.pem /Users/15619/Demo/Hello.java ec2-user@ec2-1-5-6-19.compute-1.amazonaws.com:/Java/Demo/Hello.java

Conversely, if you want to copy a file named Demo.java under /Java/Demo/ from the remote instance to you local device under /Users/15619/Demo/, the command is:

scp -i /Users/15619/Demo/15619.pem ec2-user@ec2-1-5-6-19.compute-1.amazonaws.com:/Java/Demo/Demo.java /Users/15619/Demo/Demo.java

2.2 scp on Windows

If you are under Windows environment, notice here you CANNOT use scp, alternatively, we use pscp instead, the command is:

pscp -i /path/of/you/key/file/key_file_name.ppk path/of/the/source/directory/file_name path/of/the/destination/directory/file_name

Now you want to copy a file named Hello.java under C:\Users\15619\Demo\ from your local device to the remote instance under /Java/Demo/, the command is:

pscp -i C:\Users\15619\Demo\15619.ppk C:\Users\15619\Demo\Hello.java ec2-user@ec2-1-5-6-19.compute-1.amazonaws.com:/Java/Demo/Hello.java

Conversely, if you want to copy a file named Demo.java under /Java/Demo/ on the remote instance to you local device under C:\Users\15619\Demo\, the command is:

pscp -i C:\Users\15619\Demo\15619.ppk ec2-user@ec2-1-5-6-19.compute-1.amazonaws.com:/Java/Demo/Demo.java C:\Users\15619\Demo\Demo.java

2.3 scp recursively

If we need to copy a folder including all the files in it, then we should add -r:
On Mac:

scp -r -i /Users/15619/Demo/15619.pem ec2-user@ec2-1-5-6-19.compute-1.amazonaws.com:/Java/TestFiles/ /Users/15619/Demo/TestFiles/

On Windows:

pscp -r -i C:\Users\15619\Demo\15619.ppk ec2-user@ec2-1-5-6-19.compute-1.amazonaws.com:/Java/Demo/TestFiles/ C:\Users\15619\Demo\TestFiles\